Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Swagger Back Into The Blogworld?

Yesterday an old friend sent me a twitter request. I should thank him.

His request set in motion many small but important stuff that I had procrastinated! For starters, my blog has been rekindled.  I spent almost half a day battling with both the Google team and the Blogger team to retrieve my username and the password that goes with it.

Obviously I had opened several accounts and had allowed bits of me to scatter all over the Internet which took some serious sleuthing to bring it all together. *Phew*

So I guess that means back to business, eh? No more excuses for not posting at least once a week and more importantly no more excuses for not adding my comments to taint others' blogs!

I do hope therefore that 2009 means I can swagger back into the blog world and try and rub shoulders with some of the elites! Those prolific wordsmiths who I note have become precocious as well as sophisticated, moving on and moving up, byte-ing their thoughts with gusto.

Here is wishing my 4.5 readers a grand 2009 and may the Almighty shower his blessings on you and yours.


Kak Teh said...

Welcome back Maya, and about time too. Thanks to the teams from Google and Blogger! Blog, woman, blog for I am here to keep an eye on you and your beautiful writing.
Oh, we have lost so many bloggers to FB.

Jane Sunshine said...

Good to know that you are back in blogosphere. You've been missed.

The Ceramic Designer said...

hi hi D..
i was actually here reading your blog 2-3days ago.. found your link in kakteh's and eventho i've temporarily stopped bloghopping the past 1-month, your comment there stirred something in my mind, hence i clicked on your link..

and today, you've revealed your true identity.. ahha.. ;)

thanks for finally visiting me.. your words & sentences are truly, really, wonderfully (and beautiful-ly?) written..

Kak Teh said...

maya and CD, you know each other? wow, what a small world.
and jane s, I am no longer in FB - so it is back to communicating via blog or sms. same to you Maya - we can always skype .

Maya said...

Ah! Here come my '4.5' readers :)Thank you for your visit!

Yes I am trying to get my thoughts together on a couple of things.... but such encouragement from kind souls like you, it will be sooner than later. I promise.

The Ceramic Designer said...

maya has been my much wiser, more publicly-known,invisible neighbour the past 3-yrs.. ;)

The Ceramic Designer said...

psst kakteh..
what's the diff between facebook and blogging and why you've closed your fb-account?? i registered but haven't activated it.. tell me, should i pursue it..??

psst maya..
wow you're twittering too..?? isn't that waaaaay ahead of facebook..?? tell me, how do you enjoy it..??

i thought i need to learn from people much younger about these tech-stuff, but today i'm humbled by the two of you.. ehem.. older, wiser sisters.. ;)

Suzan Abrams, email: said...
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