Sunday, March 22, 2009

'The mind is willing but the body is not?'

No, I am not talking about sex. In fact everything else but sex. No, sex isn't coming out the way I want it to....

Let me start all over.

The last couple of days has been really horrible in terms of getting work done. In my mind I have cleared the study table, the kids' wardrobes and kitchen cupboards ....I have unpacked from my last trip ........and I have even put back the 'antique' curtains which I had pulled out from suitcases that hadn't been opened since 1880!!

BUT ALL THESE WORK REMAINS UNDONE!!! This lethargy is killing me. When technically lethargy should not.

The only thing I do is cooking and that’s only because of a misplaced sense of guilt. I did tell the family that my coming back to the kitchen will not be a daily affair and they were actually thrilled, especially hubby.I had to at least pretend to use my lovely magazine-featurable kitchen!

I lie in bed in the morning running the 'to do' list in my head and feel so on top of things. But once up and standing before the mirror, seriously contemplating the ills of the world, plucking the stray hairs around the brow I heave and sigh and get winded out. I shower, then sit with my morning coffee and the morning papers. I toss and turn and burrow deeper into my soft velvety sofa with all that I read.

Arrogance is as despicable as lack of integrity but when combined it is degrading to all humans. Crooks always seem to escape and there are just too many fall-guys to take the blame. The 'id' is in glorious manifestation amongst the rich and powerful. So now is a good time for people to consider if there even is a middle path to save us all from the evils that men the Bard had asked many a time.

I guess if you don't have the killer instinct to destroy people on your way up you aren’t going places. On a clear thinking day when I feel tres noble I am so proud of all the good people who have been warriors fighting the good battles......but at times like this I am thinking 'more fool you!'........

So I should get more sane or insane? After all in the general scheme of things you are but a tiny, minuscule particle... maybe even a non-particle as future discoveries might reveal.....remember everything is 'm a y a'..?


anedra said...

My dear - There are just too many crooks these days that it just isn't worth our time thinking about them..(but can't help it thinking about it either actually).

I can just imagine you in your kitchen. Sigghhh.. You know how much I absolutely ADORE your kitchen!! Even some one whose all thumbs (kitchen wise) like me would look like a goddess in a kitchen like that. BESTNYAAAA!! I have yet to drag hubby to your place to show him what a kitchen should look like! (I'm sighing (of longing) every second just thinking of it!) Hehehe.

Oh, and next time, write about it. Sex, I mean. WHat the heck..just write lahh!

Pill Pusher said...

That's deep. I'm lost in your thought. Literally.


nuraina said...


i'm glad you've resumed blogging...

i just happened to be going thru my blog-roll and hey presto...caught your postings!

just love your writing!